Livraison Fleurs Bruxelles est un fleuriste en ligne basé à Bruxelles, Belgique. Nous sommes spécialisés dans commerce de fleurs et nous offrons un service de qualité dans la vente et la livraison fleurs bruxelles à domicile.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where home is

After our first 7 months here in Brussels, with only some short recreational trips, we decided to close the shop, pack our bags and go back to the roots to see some dear faces. So we spent last week in Romania, a very compressed week with a lot of things to do. I also had to squeeze in my 10 years highschool reunion.
It was very nice to see everybody and catch up a little, now missing them even more. It was also very interesting to see where we left from with an objective eye - and I won't get into that right now :)
I was a bit afraid of this moment, as I was thinking that once I go back to Romania, I won't want to come back. But to my surprise I realised that I missed our little apartment here in Belgium, our everyday life as it is right now, so I can say that I have a new home, which is here. That doesn't mean I won't feel like home when I go to Bucharest or Resita, my hometown. Can't I have more homes? Of course I can.

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