Livraison Fleurs Bruxelles est un fleuriste en ligne basé à Bruxelles, Belgique. Nous sommes spécialisés dans commerce de fleurs et nous offrons un service de qualité dans la vente et la livraison fleurs bruxelles à domicile.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

As seen on TV

Monkey on Belgium television :))
Not at a beauty contest, not at the wheel of fortune, but at the evening news. Oh, and not to talk about the beautiful flowers we make.
This Sunday it was the day without cars in Brussels, but Petru, the he-monkey, had to take his mother to the Charleroi Airport, early in the morning. He was hoping to get back in time to enter the city until it closed for the cars. But he didn't. And this was big piece of news :)). Inside story, the journalists were very disappointed that he wasn't an angry driver, that he had a good reason to take the car and that he was a big fan of car-free day. It all ended with a 8 km walk in the evening to take the car back from where he left it in the morning.

Watch a few seconds of the lovely monkey here:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lame me

Today, at the 10th trip to ikea this week, we finally remembered to buy some paint for a table. I put it in my bag, as I do with all the things I buy - my wonder bag carried in its life eggs, milk, cheese, meat or other groceries, scissors, scotch tape, shampoo and what else you can imagine.
The bag is (was) big and it was the safe carrier of our valuables: car papers, gps, mobile phones, note book, bills, cigarette tools - as I roll my own cigarettes etc etc.
And you already suspect what happened. The paint has spilled all throughout the bag.
But that's not the point. The point is that when trying to save things from the paint, I was mostly concerned about my cigarette tools. And I was only thinking where to go to buy new rolling paper. Or that I could look into the garbage from some cigarette butts. Lame, isn'it it?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First night

in the new apartment ended at 6.30 in the morning, much much earlier than I usually wake up. Because we are the proud owners of a flight corridor above our heads. And it's not just an ordinary corridor, it's that special part where airplanes prepare to land or take off.
Aren't airplanes just fantastic? They never cease to amaze me. And I am so happy, as I will be lucky to be amazed every morning, night and day for the next 3 years.

I will even create a new tag, 'airplane', as I'm sure I will come back on this topic.

p.s. wondering how I have Internet? Well we made a new subscription from another company and we'll try to end the other contract. Life in Belgium is sometimes so exciting!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Address changed

If you want to write me a postcard or a letter, you'll have to ask for the new address. Cause starting with today the monkeys are living in a brand new apartment. Busy week coming, as we have to buy everything, furniture and stuff. And no internet as our internet provider needs 3 weeks to make the transfer. Great, isn't it?
Well, wake me up when september ends.