Livraison Fleurs Bruxelles est un fleuriste en ligne basé à Bruxelles, Belgique. Nous sommes spécialisés dans commerce de fleurs et nous offrons un service de qualité dans la vente et la livraison fleurs bruxelles à domicile.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

expect the unexpected

I take a deep breath after this cliche title, reminiscence of the advertising era which now seems like stone age, and i will explain what i wanted to say.
what i like about my life now is that you never know what every day can bring you. today, for example, we went to a hospital to make a 82 year old lady feel remembered and she was very happy. then we saw another old lady, this time dead (poor her) and we left her some flowers that she doesn't need anymore. the latter happened in chimay, in southern belgium, where the trappist monks brew the so famous beer. after that we had a picnic near a lake, we visited the beautiful and oh so quiet chimay abbey and we even saw a monk :)
we're exhausted, but not bad for a working day

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