Livraison Fleurs Bruxelles est un fleuriste en ligne basé à Bruxelles, Belgique. Nous sommes spécialisés dans commerce de fleurs et nous offrons un service de qualité dans la vente et la livraison fleurs bruxelles à domicile.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Honey, pack the carpet and let's go for a picnic

Wonderful Sunday, finally showed my arms to the sun. A lot of people in the park having picnics or just sitting or just smoking or whatever. We were the ones sunbathing and reading. And as I'm a voyeur by definition, I couldn't help not watching (staring at) the people around me. Worth mentioning are two extremes. A guy who came with his living room carpet to sit on (and we were embarrased we took our sleeping bags).
And a very precious couple who brought the whole kitchen. They were drinking wine from glass glasses (ok, that could be romantic). But they also had porcelain plates, salad bowl and all the tableware needed: forks, knives, even salad spoon. Not to mention the bottles of olive oil and vinegar. Honey, shall you give me the pleasure of passing me the salt? It's near your noble behind.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dubbed radio

Yes, it's possible in Brussels. First I thought it's a special moment or something. Then I thought it's a joke. But no...
It happens usually with new entries. The song starts. A woman's voice starts reciting some lyrics like a poem, in English. Then a men's voice quickly translates them into French, in a serious pathetic note. And if you are lucky you can also hear the real lyrics. Only at Pure FM (which actually has ok-ish music and had a nice advertising campaign).

Frappes moi bébé une fois de plus :))

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wooden toys

We love flowers, but we also love toys. So we did something about it, that is a new online shop, selling wooden toys. Wooden toys are just great, we fell in love with them immediately. They are safer for the child (did you know that plastic can be toxic?), they are longer lasting and really educational - develop imagination, creativity, dexterity, motricity, all kinds of skills.
My favorites are of course the doll house miniatures. I wish I had these when I was a child.

We hope we'll make children and parents happy with these toys and we won't stop here.
We have the toys, now we need the children? :)


Don't criticize the colored eggs, these are the first I ever made. Not bad I would say, not perfect either. Anyway, I couldn't help not using some flowers...

Friday, April 2, 2010

the one with the weather

I have been called the 'weather girl' (I made an euphemistical translation from the romanian meteorologul de serviciu) by some years ago by my friends. I don't know why, maybe because of my desperately annoying daily questions (how's the weather? is it cold? what should I wear?), or maybe because of my lousy pickup lines that often had some meteorological phenomenon involved (I won't give examples here) etc
And here I am now, dedicating an entire post to the weather.
When we came here everybody said well, get prepared for a very depressing weather, hope you'll survive. I wouldn't call it depressing though, but crazy.
At least this week, every day was full of suprises. Morning, clear sunshine. Then heavy grey clouds with cold rain. Sunshine again, as if nothing happened. Then suddenly, hail! Drops of ice and snow heavily falling on our car. Then sun again. And so on. All these seasoned with a wind that could move the car.
The weather here is schizophrenic, wild, unpredictable. Clouds are moving very fast. When it's sunny, it's really beautiful, with that nordic crisp shiny light, which I admired so much in the nordic advertising commercials (I thought it was just a good DOP). And when it rains it really rains.

And as I'm a meteo-sensitive person, I think this weather suits me very well. I have found my soul weather :)